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The world of tinder is not easy on guys. It is slim pickings out there for men.
Your Tinder profile defines how many right swipes you are gonna get. Your pictures can help you attract other people but only with the right words someone can trust and know you. The better bio you have, the better chance you will get the type of person you are looking for.
The art of drafting Tinder bios is something you need to practice a few times. It is the skill that will get you many dates. With its power, you will be unstoppable.
Let me share some of the best Tinder bios that inspired me to swipe right.
Rules For Writing Best Tinder Bios
There are a few tricks to writing attractive bios. In general, men often make their bios casual. I will outline a few golden rules that can help you get more swipes.
- Be concise as too many words in a small space can be confusing.
- Keep the jokes to a minimum. If there are too many puns, it’ll look like you are trying too hard.
- Confidence is the key but keep it moderate. It is better to seem modest with a little of it sprinkled in.
- Provide information about yourself. People like knowing what they are getting into. Make sure that the details are interesting.
- The rule of thumb is to keep it respectful. Crass language in the bio will lessen your chances of right swipes.
- Emojis work but you don't need to stack them up in your bio.
Best Tinder Bios
The type of bio you write depends on your personality. Keeping in mind people’s differences, I have listed different types of bios below. Find the type that resonates with you and jump to it.
- Funny bios
- Cheesy bios
- Pun-ny bios
- Get to know me bios
- Creative bios
- Honest bios
- Raunchy bios
- Cool bios
Hilarious Bios
Laughter is not only the best medicine, it is a sure way to get a date. If you can get a chuckle out of someone through your bio, the right swipe is guaranteed.
1. Appropriate Racial Humor
“Don’t buy Colgate whitening toothpaste. It says guaranteed whiteness in 14 days. It’s been two weeks and I’m still Asian.”

2. Am I Your Blood Type?
“Last time I was someone’s type, I was donating blood.”

3. A Wild Ride
“Picture this, we’re on a date. You take me to a generic restaurant of my choosing then we go out for a drink. After a few, I’m a bit tipsy so we head back to my car. The car’s on fire, you’re shocked and ready to call 911. You look back at me, I have two marshmallows on a stick ready for roasting and more alcohol. You blush, we cuddle together while my blazing car keeps us warm. We joke we laugh, you’re about to lean in for a kiss… I chloroform you and rob you. Wasn’t even my car on fire.”

4. Dark Humor is One Way to Go
“I always keep a loaded gun on my nightstand in the event of an intruder, so I can shoot myself to avoid meeting new people.”

5. Who’s a Hero?
“One day I was at the grocery store and this elderly lady was in front of me and the total bill for her groceries was $300 but her card was declined. So y’all ready know what I did (emoji), God gonna bless me one day (emoji). It was a lot of groceries but I helped her put it all back (emoji) (emoji).”

The One with the Cheesy Bios
Cheesy lines work most of the time. Just don’t go overboard. You can get a few ideas from the examples below:
1. Medical Student in the House
“Cute enough to take your breath away, smart enough to bring it back.”

2. Anything is Possible When I’m Your Man
“Look at the last guy you matched, now back to me, now back to the last guy you matched, now back to me. Sadly, he isn’t me but if he stopped leaving his bio blank, and had better pictures he could be like me. Look down, back up, where are you? You’re on Tinder with the man of your dreams. What’s in your hand, back to me. I have it. It’s a pizza with your favorite toppings on it. Look again, the pizza is now your favorite dog. Anything’s possible when you match me on Tinder.”
Creative Bios
The point of being creative in bios is to show off your intelligence. You have to be different from the rest of the bios out there. Let your creative juices flow and be yourself.
1. Slip in Personal Facts
“Notable life achievements:
- Can cook amazing instant noodles
- Semi-professional bathroom singer
- Has never been in jail before (except when playing monopoly)

2. The Twists Keep Coming
“I’m the kinda guy you can take home to meet your mom. She’ll think I’m super funny and charming. And cute, but actually kind of sexy at the same time? She falls in love with me. I.. think I feel the same way. We get married. I’m your dad now.
I confront you, ‘ young lady, why are you on Tinder? You are now grounded.’”

3. Dark Humor Strikes Again
“On our first date, I’ll carve our names in a tree. It’s the most romantic way to let you know that I have knives.”
4. Is Help on the Way?
“Please send help my name is Daniel I’m being held hostage in a bunker somewhere in North Korea, the guard is on break so I stole his phone please hurry the coordinates are”

The One with the Personal Bios
It is always a good idea to give personal details. The key is to keep them wanting more so don’t give away everything.
1. Tamagotchi Companion
“Married. Couple of kids. Looking for some side action. Just kidding. Single. 3 Tamagotchis. Looking for someone to bring to family events so they’ll stop thinking there’s something wrong with me.”

2. Sound as Sharp as a Knife
“Gurlll I wish I was a derivative so I could lie tangents to your curves. I can tell you that the function of your ex was to get you ready for me. Come fix yourself up with me, cause I’m an engineer and I fix things.”

3. You Need More Than a Cut Out
“I’m really only here because my family is beginning to think it’s weird I keep showing up to family events like weddings, baby showers, and Christmas with my Danny Devito cutout and demanding they set a place for him.”
4. Get to Know All Pros and Cons
"Pro: not afraid of spiders
Con: afraid of moths
Pro: can cook
Con: will try to get you to do the dishes
Pro: can probably out-drink you
Con: probably actually can't but will try anyways
Pro: really cuddly
Con: lacks personal space when asleep
Pro: loves animals
Con: may steal your pets
Pr; has a good sense of humor
Con: none. I'm funny"

The One with the Honest Bios
Honesty is always appreciated. If you are ready to open yourself to the world, don’t hold back. Be true to yourself.
1. Any Dinner Plans Yet?
“Current relationship status:
Made dinner for two. Ate both.”
2. Healthy Dose of Brutal Honesty
“I hope you like bad boys because I’m literally bad at everything.
Just passing through from Calgary for the holidays, say hi…. Unless you are my ex.”
3. A Real Catch
“Unemployed and mentally handicapped but otherwise a real catch
Ps. r u the bottom of my laptop bc u r hot.”

4. I am Everything You Need
"I'm looking for a girl who is super mean. She also has to be really clingy and jealous. I prefer women who talk a lot about their ex and a love for da bootyliciousness. In my free time, I like to take my shirt off and take selfies. I'm super in shape thanks to my strict diet of Mountain Dew and Twizzlers. We're a Twizzler family, red vines have no place in my home. I work nights fighting crimes. I'm not saying that I'm Batman, but I am saying that no one has seen the Riddler in Austin, Texas."

5. You Need a New Date
"For the love of God, someone please date me so that I can stop bringing my mom to costume parties."

The One with the Confident Bios
Confidence in the right doses can do wonders. Find the balance between showing yourself off and seeming too arrogant. A few examples are:
1. You’re Everyone’s Recommendation
About (insert your name here)
“One hell of a guy.” “Outstanding gentleman.”
-New York Times - Washington Post
“I wish I could be more like him.”
- The Most Interesting Man in the World
“You’d be crazy not to swipe right.”
- Miss New York
“He’s my phone’s background.” “My hero.”
- Mom - Spider-man

2. A Little Showing-off
“I’m cultured in that I like imported beers and traveling.
If you can’t laugh at yourself, I probably will.
It’s tough being a single dad. Or so I’m told, I wouldn’t know; I don’t have kids.”
3. You are the King of Romance
“First date ideas:
- Both wear sumo suits and go to an indoor trampoline place and battle
- Buy out an entire concert so it’s just us in the crowd
- Skydive into our dinner reservations
- Dress in a polo and khakis, go to the zoo, and tell fake facts about the animals
- Rent a Lamborghini
- Fake kidnapping in public
- Invade Poland
- Get coffee like boring people”

4. What Do Others Say About You?
"I have the simplest taste. I am always satisfied with the best.
Living in Oslo
Working with M&A
- An alpha male-lady friend
- Blonde snob - homeless man in NYC
- Makes super crispy bacon and great pancakes - sister
- Has too much energy in the morning - friend
- Great at lifting - the guy at the gym
- Great friend - a buddy
- Stop staring ata me, dude - random dog"
The One with the Raunchy Bios
1. Get a Little Flirty
“Hey, you’re pretty cute but you know what would make it even better? If I sat on it.”
2. Face-off with Tinder
"I was kicked off Tinder twice: once for making a phallic-shaped cookie my profile picture, second because my bio was, 'there's always money in the banana stand' and someone mistook that for me being an escort. But like a phoenix, I have risen from the ashes unscathed. Round 3, let's do this."
Flaky Bios
People might call you weird but they don’t know the secret. Many people dig flaky people. Wield your unique power and get people to like you.
1. Parental Search
“Honestly, I’m just here looking for my parents. They disappeared one night a few years ago, and I heard I might be able to find them here. Please contact me if you have any pertinent information.”

2. Going on a Mannequin Ride
“I like long walks on the beach with my girlfriend until the LSD wears off and I realize I’m just dragging a stolen mannequin around a Wendy’s parking lot.”

3. Looking for a Sugar Person
“Don’t bother messaging me if you’re only looking for a hookup.
That being said, I’m just looking for a rich girl willing to support my expensive drug habit. My mom won’t let me use her minivan anymore because I ate all her lean cuisines so you also must be willing to drive me around.”

4. Music and Life
“80s music brings me back to good times like when I wasn’t alive.”
The above examples should give you a good idea. It is important to remember to tailor the bio according to your personality. Of course, you want the right swipes on your bio, but you don't want to be dishonest.
Getting a match is only the first part of the game. You will need good pickup lines and good conversation starters to go on the first date.