In This Article

We all know about the reality of our life that ends in death. But to accept that bitter truth, we need more courage, healthy advice, and true well-wishers.
In this short life, life seems long and full of suffering. Losing a beloved one is never easy and it can change life within a moment. It can fade away all the colors of life and turn off all the lights.
To deal with this pain and terrible moments, one needs proper support and the right guidance. Life goes by and we have to keep walking whatever happens in life.
I hope these energetic, emotional, and uplifting quotes about losing a loved one will help you recover from your mental pressure and stress.
Short Quotes About Losing A Loved One
- “The death of a beloved is an amputation.” ― C. S. Lewis
- “To live in hearts, we leave behind is not to die.” ― Thomas Campbell
- “Death ends a life, not a relationship.” ― Mitch Albom
- “Loss can remind us that life itself is a gift.” ― Louise Hay and David Kessler
- “We must embrace pain and burn it as fuel for our journey.” ― Kenji Miyazawa
- “For some moments in life, there are no words.” ― David Seltzer
- “Time, they said… Time will heal all wounds but they lied…” ― Tilicia Haridat
- “Death can’t kill what never dies.” ― William Penn
- “Unable are the loved to die. For love is immortality.” ― Emily Dickinson
- “He spoke well who said that graves are the footprints of angels.” ― Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
- “Life is pleasant. Death is peaceful. It’s the transition that’s troublesome.” ― Isaac Asimov
Quotes About Remembering The Lost Loved One
- “Remember that people are only guests in your story – the same way you are only a guest in theirs – so make the chapters worth reading.” ― Lauren Klarfeld
- “I know for certain that we never lose the people we love, even to death. They continue to participate in every act, thought and decision we make. Their love leaves an indelible imprint in our memories.” ― Leo Buscaglia
- “Those we love and lose are always connected by heartstrings into infinity.” ― Terri Guillemets
- “To have been loved so deeply, even though the person who loved us is gone, will give us some protection forever.” ― J.K. Rowling
- “Remembering our loved ones is breathing life into their fading images, that we might once more see their faces and pass along a tearful ‘I miss you’.” ― Richelle E. Goodrich
- “Remember me with smiles and laughter, for that is how I will remember you all. If you can only remember me with tears, then don’t remember me at all.” ― Laura Ingles Wilder
- “When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure.” ― Unknown
- “Like a bird singing in the rain, let grateful memories survive in time of sorrow.” ― Robert Louis Stevenson
- “Deep down inside we always seek for our departed loved ones.” ― Munia Khan
- “In the garden of memory, in the palace of dreams…that is where you and I shall meet.” ― Alice Through the Looking Glass
Quotes On Death of Loved One
- “Death – the last sleep? No, it is the final awakening.” ― Sir Walter Scott
- “The death of a beloved is an amputation.” ― C. S. Lewis
- “Death ends a life, not a relationship.” ― Mitch Albom
- “The dead never truly die. They simply change form.” ― Suzy Kassem
- “Death wasn’t a movie where the pretty star faded away with a touch of pale makeup and every hair in place.” ― Soheir Khashoggi
- “There is no death. Only a change of worlds.” ― Chief Seattle
- “Death is tough for the people left behind on earth.” ― Prateeksha Malik
- “Death is a challenge. It tells us not to waste time. It tells us to tell each other right now that we love each other.” ― Leo Buscaglia
- “Death” is never an end, but a To Be Continued…” ― Renée Chae
- “Death leaves a heartache no one can heal; love leaves a memory no one can steal.” ― Unknown
Quotes About Grieving For The Loved One
- “Grief is the price we pay for love.” ― Queen Elizabeth II
- “Grief is in two parts. The first is loss. The second is the remaking of life.” ― Anne Roiphe
- “Grief is the last act of love we can give to those we loved. Where there is deep grief, there was great love.” ―Unknown
- “The risk of love is loss, and the price of loss is grief – But the pain of grief is only a shadow when compared with the pain of never risking love.” ― Hilary Stanton Zunin
- “Don’t grieve. Anything you lose comes round in another form.” ― Rumi
- “All things grow with time, except grief.” ― Jewish proverb
- “Grief is like mending a knee. You can mend the knee and make it function, but the knee never actually heals.” ― Jason Reynolds
- “The very worst part of grief is that you can’t control it. The best we can do is try to let ourselves feel it when it comes. And let it go when we can.” ― Grey’s Anatomy
- “In times of grief and sorrow I will hold you and rock you and take your grief and make it my own. When you cry, I cry and when you hurt, I hurt. And together we will try to hold back the floods of tears and despair and make it through the potholed street of life.” ― Nicholas Sparks
- “Grief can be the garden of compassion. If you keep your heart open through everything, your pain can become your greatest ally in your life’s search for love and wisdom.” ― Rumi
- “The pain of grief is just as much part of life as the joy of love: it is perhaps the price we pay for love, the cost of commitment.” ― Dr. Colin Murray Parkes
- “Life sometimes seems like nothing more than a series of losses, from beginning to end. That’s the given. How you respond to those losses, what you make of what’s left, that’s the part you have to make up as you go.” ― Katharine Weber
- “Grief is not a sign of weakness, nor a lack of faith…It is the price of love.” ―Unknown
- “Grief, no matter how you try to cater to its wail, has a way of fading away.” ― V.C. Andrews
- “Grief and love are conjoined; you don’t get one without the other.” ― Jandy Nelson
Sad Quotes About Losing A Loved One
- “The sorrow we feel when we lose a loved one is the price; we pay to have had them in our lives.” ― Rob Liano
- “Darkness may hide the trees and the flowers from the eyes but it cannot hide love from the soul.” ― Rumi
- “His death brings new experience to my life – that of a wound that will not heal.” ― Ernst Jünger
- “There is no greater sorrow than to recall happiness in times of misery.” ― Dante
- “If you ever lose someone dear to you, never say the words they’re gone. They’ll come back.” ― Prince
- “When he died, all things soft and beautiful and bright would be buried with him.” ― Madeline Miller
- “We need to grieve the ones we have loved and lost in this lifetime — not to sustain our connection to suffering, but to sustain our connection to love.” ― J. W.
- “Tears shed for another person are not a sign of weakness. They are a sign of a pure heart.” ― José N. Harris
- “The whole world can become the enemy when you lose what you love.” ― Kristina McMorris
- “Seeing death as the end of life is like seeing the horizon as the end of the ocean.” ― David Searls
Move On Quotes After Losing A Loved One
- “Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” ― Dr. Seuss
- “Remember that everyone you meet is afraid of something, loves something, and has lost something.” ― Jackson Brown Jr.
- “The only way to get over a death is by seeing it as a life completed, instead of a life interrupted.” ― Unknown
- “What is lovely never dies, but passes into another loveliness, Star-dust or sea-foam, Flower or winged air.” ― Thomas Bailey Aldrich
- “Love is stronger than death even though it can’t stop death from happening, but no matter how hard death tries it can’t separate people from love. It can’t take away our memories either. In the end, life is stronger than death.” ―Unknown
- “It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God that such men lived.” ― George S. Patton Jr.
- “End? No, the journey doesn’t end here. Death is just another path, one that we all must take. The gray rain-curtain of this world rolls back, and all turns to silver glass, and then you see it.” ― J.R.R. Tolkien
- “We never truly get over a loss, but we can move forward and evolve from it.” ― Elizabeth Berrien
- “We shall find peace. We shall hear angels; we shall see the sky sparkling with diamonds.” ― Anyon Chekov
- “When we lose someone we love, we must learn not to live without them, but to live with the love they left behind.” ― Unknown
Missing You Quotes About Losing A Loved One
- “I love you every day. And now I will miss you every day.” ― Mitch Albom
- “Come back. Even as a shadow, even as a dream.” ― Euripides
- “I don’t think of all the misery, but of all the beauty that remains.” ― Anne Frank
- “There are no goodbyes for us. Wherever you are, you will always be in my heart.” ― Mahatma Gandhi
- “They say that a part of you dies when a special loved one passes away… I disagree… I say a part of you lives with your loved one on the other side.” ― Daniel Yanez
- “No matter where you go you will always be in my heart.” ― Anthony T. Hincks
- “Without you in my arms, I feel an emptiness in my soul. I find myself searching the crowds for your face—I know it’s an impossibility, but I cannot help myself.” ― Patrick Swayze
- “Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us every day. Unseen, unheard, but always near; still loved, still missed and very dear.” ― Unknown
- “And then I heard the angel say, ‘She’s with you every day.” ― Unknown
- “Do not think of me as gone. I am with you still in each new dawn.” ― Native American Poem
- “Where you used to be, there is a hole in the world, which I find myself constantly walking around in the daytime, and falling in at night. I miss you like hell.” ― William Penn
- “If there ever comes a day when we can’t be together, keep me in your heart, I’ll stay there forever.” ― Winnie the Pooh
- “When I saw your strand of hair I knew that grief is love turned into an eternal missing.” ― Rosamund Lupton
- “Only a moment you stayed, but what an imprint your footprints have left on our hearts.” ― Dorothy Ferguson
- “You may be gone from my sight, but you are never gone from my heart.” ―Unknown
Comforting Quotes About Losing A Loved One
- “Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of overcoming it.” ― Helen Keller
- “In the night of death, hope sees a star, and listening love can hear the rustle of a wing.” ― Robert Ingersol
- “Our joys will be greater, our love will be deeper, our life will be fuller because we shared your moment.” ―Unknown
- “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass; it’s about learning to dance in the rain.” ― Vivian Greene
- “Everyone copes differently, some cry for the loss of a loved one, others smile because they know they’ll see them again.” ―Unknown
- “Tears are God’s gift to us. Our holy water. They heal us as they flow.” ― Rita Schiano
- “Love is stronger than death even though it can’t stop death from happening, but no matter how hard death tries it can’t separate people from love. It can’t take away our memories either. In the end, life is stronger than death.” ―Unknown
- “When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight.” ― Kahlil Gibran
- “The comfort of having a friend may be taken away, but not that of having had one.” ― Seneca
- “Do not cry because they are past! Smile, because they once were!” ― Ludwig Jakubowski
Thoughtful quotes about losing a loved one
- “No matter how prepared you think you are for the death of a loved one, it still comes as a shock, and it still hurts very deeply.” ― Billy Graham
- “There are some who bring a light so great to the world that even after they have gone the light remains.” ―Unknown
- “Oh heart, if one should say to you that the soul perishes like the body, answer that the flower withers, but the seed remains.” ― Kahlil Gibran
- “The deep pain that is felt at the death of every friendly soul arises from the feeling that there is in every individual something which is inexpressible, peculiar to him alone, and is, therefore, absolutely and irretrievably lost.” ― Arthur Schopenhauer
- “Only people who are capable of loving strongly can also suffer great sorrow, but this same necessity of loving serves to counteract their grief and heals.” ― Leo Tolstoy
- “While grief is fresh, every attempt to divert only irritates. You must wait till it be digested, and then amusement will dissipate the remains of it.” ― Samuel Johnson
- “The Remembrance of the good done those we have loved is the only consolation when we have lost them.” ― Demoustier
- “What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly.” ― Richard Bach
- “Perhaps they are not the stars, but rather openings in Heaven where the love of our lost ones pours through and shines down upon us to let us know they are happy.” ― Unknown
- “And yet I want to be human; I want to be thinking of him because then I feel he is alive somewhere, if only in my head.” ― Sally Green
Quotes About Losing a Loved One From Bible
- “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.” ― Matthew 5:4
- “So with you: Now is your time of grief, but I will see you again and you will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy.” ― John 16:22
- “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” ― Psalm 147:3
- “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.” ― John 14:27
- “Weeping may remain for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning.” ― Psalm 30: 5
- “I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those who have fallen asleep, lest you sorrow as others who have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so, God will bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus.” ― 1 Thessalonians 4: 13, 14
- “If we live, we live for the Lord; and if we die, we die for the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord.” ― Romans 14:8
- “He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. All these things are gone forever.” ― Revelation 21:4
- “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble.” ― 2 Corinthians 1: 3, 4
- “God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.” ― Revelation 21: 4
Final Thoughts On Quotes About Losing A Loved One
Losing someone you loved is the most complex and most sorrowful pain to bear in life. There is no one who can feel the exact feelings but the person who is going through it.
We should always remember that whenever we stop our walking, our beloved person will feel sorrow from that moment. It will make them sad. So never fall down, instead, try to normalize everything.
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